Thursday, February 19, 2009

3 Steps!

Well, it finally happened, little Mackenzie walked! It was 3 wobbly steps, but they were unassisted and she stayed on her feet. Plus, she kept trying, she seems really determined now to walk, which she definitly wasn't before. I am so happy for her! But now it means I no longer have BABIES, she has crossed into the realm of toddlerhood. I don't know whether to be sad, or elated. :-) Oh well, right now I am just thrilled.


IrishPatty said...

Wow, they are growing up so fast...

Anonymous said...

Yeah MacKenzie! Try and keep up with her now! Wait until all 3 are loose in the yard! Good thing it's fenced. Alex will be teaching her how to climb it by summer's end!!


Beth said...

Bittersweet! ;)

IrishPatty said...

I loved raising my children. These landmarks are bittersweet. I always felt a bit sad as each landmark seemed to guide you farther and farther away from me. What I realized is that each landmark met shows good parenting. Our goal in raising our children is to create secure, independent adults. Kenzie's latest landmark is just that, a sign she is, literally, taking a step toward independance and a sign you and Timm are doing all the right things. Parenting is the hardest, most rewarding job you will ever have. Keep up the good work and tell the 3 monkeys I love them.